18. Is red wine really heart healthy? Can wine be destructive? Can you benefit from drinking red wine?
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, Friday is “Wear Red Day” to show your support for those who have heart disease and to spread the word about heart disease.
Can you benefit from drinking red wine?
Drinking one to two glasses (5 ounces is one glass) of red wine a day may keep the heart disease away. It can lower blood pressure, lower LDL (low down lousy) cholesterol, raise HDL (highly desirable) cholesterol, prevent and reverse the attack of oxygen on body tissues, and may reduce the risk of ischemic strokes, heart attacks and blood clots by acting as a blood thinner inhibiting blood clotting. It also supplies antioxidants such as phenolic compounds: bioflavonoids, (in red grapes), non-flavonoids such as resveratrol (in red wine) and many more.
Can wine be destructive?
I used to work as a nurse in the Emergency Department and have seen a lot of destruction when it comes to alcohol consumption. Approximately 35% of all hospital admissions are alcohol-related with over one hundred thousand people dying each year in the United States because of alcohol abuse. In the UK, alcohol-related hospital admissions have risen over 47% since 2004, with over one million alcohol-related hospital admissions just in the last five years. Overconsumption of alcohol over time can cause heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver. This is a problem across the world and is a downside to drinking alcohol. It can be very addictive and should be consumed in moderation, which could be why there is no prescription for the use of alcohol in the medical industry.
Is wine really heart healthy?
Wine is heart healthy, but it can be destructive if you are not a light to moderate wine drinker. If you binge drink or have too much alcohol and are not able to drink in moderation, it is best to stay away. Even though the doctor might not prescribe it, drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine per day or several days of the week, may keep you Heart Healthy.
I am wearing red tomorrow on behalf of red wine being heart healthy!
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Bon Vin!
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